CCE Ziviltechniker GmbH (Team): With our highly qualified minds, we rely on interdisciplinary powerplay

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CCE Ziviltechniker GmbHParadeisergasse 12/2
9020 Klagenfurt

Phone: +43 463 57404
Fax: +43 463 57404 99

Branch office GrazDietrichsteinplatz 15

8010 Graz

Phone: +43 316 243811

Branch office WolfsbergSchießstattgasse 6
9400 Wolfsberg

Phone: +43 4352 30586

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CCE Ziviltechniker GmbH: Content, navigation


CCE employees

With our highly qualified minds, we rely on interdisciplinary powerplay

We deal with problems and challenges in the areas of statics, traffic, water, energy and the environment on a daily basis. In our lives, the functioning and interaction of engineering disciplines is subject to a self-understanding, through which the senses for dreams and visions are freed and further development of our society is promoted.

Our innovative team looks ahead, knows and connects interfaces, sets goals and thinks ideas through. TODAY we are designing the living space of the FUTURE.

CCE employees - Management
CCE employees - Administration
CCE employees - Team
Competence team