Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Zement GmbH
Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Zement GmbH
Systems optimized for surface drainage

Construction project designation:
New construction and extension of the existing surface drainage at the company premises of w&p Zement GmbH
Execution period:
June 2016 – August 2017
Project description:
As part of the EIA-requiring capacity, an expansion at the w&p Zement GmbH in Wietersdorf premises was carried out, where the facilities of the existing surface drainage were renovated and partially rebuilt. As part of the construction works, two rainwater collection tanks including the necessary mechanical equipment were installed. These reinforced concrete- and earthworks were carried out through the installation of 40 pits and settling ponds and about 1,400 m of draining lines.
Project cost:
Approx. € 2,000,000.00